Sunday, December 30, 2007

Life phases

About a year ago, in conversation with friends, it became clear to me how my life has evolved in phases - four of those phases so far - with transition periods in between. I do not know if those phases have any meaning to you, but they certainly summarize my life nicely.

Here are the phases of my life (so far) the way I see them: preparation, knowledge, truth, and beauty. I will likely write about those phases individually as I am inspired to write, but, in the nutshell,

Preparation lasted for approximately first 20 years of my life. During that period I heavily depended on my parents' support and learned the basics of life within limited environment dominated by my parents (and neighbors).

Next approximately 18 years were spent in acquiring knowledge, formal, organized knowledge as taught in schools and books.

What followed for the next approximately 17 years was my own, independent venture of truth discovery, my own truth about life and my place in it.

Finally, now I am in the beauty phase where I seek, appreciate, and create beauty and assist others in doing the same, for I believe that beauty ennobles one's soul and helps transcend the earth-bound existence, helps discover and apply one's true nature.

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