Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The "dream ticket"

Obama-Edwards! It just occurred to me today, dah! There has been so much buzz about the Obama-Clinton dream ticket when it is obvious for a variety of reasons already discussed by all the pundits around that the chances of it are slim and plus that it would bring more problems to the campaign than would it resolve defficiencies.

The obvious dream ticket is really -- Obama-Edwards. I have not heard this combination talked about, but it seems to me really a winning duo. Both are young, lawyers, with good record in public service, good looking, with a vision. One is a true Southerner, the other an internationalist, both highly visible and recognizable. What more do we want? Do they get along? I don't know. But, I hope this pair runs together and wins in the Fall.


David said...

Actually, I wish that could happen because that would mean we get a white house whose philosophy is openly socialist and christian/religious!

To the point, it would be an ineffectual administration because the idealism that Obama portrays has, as far as I can tell, very little substance.

So, 4 years of accomplishing nothing under the banner of christian socialism provides at least an opportunity for republicans to start considering an alternative to me-too socialism.

Dubravko said...

Some seem to thrive on conflict, hoping to arouse passions in others by throwing around preposterous and empty labels with very little basis in facts -- totally unsubstantiated -- rendering them quite useless for the purpose of intelligent discussion and only marginally useful for the purpose of empty, senseless bickering. More homework is needed.

David said...

Dubravko, I do get into conflicts too much but I don't think it's true that I seek out conflict for conflict's sake. Here I think you have misinterpreted my intention.

Yes, I am confrontational--I often call people out and challenge them on their stated beliefs.

When it comes to politics, I tend to take it personal because bad political ideas have the potential to threaten my life. In today's political trends I see totalitarianism looming--both on the left ("Obama won't allow you to stay on the sidelines--he is going to make you work for the greater good!") and on the right ("McCain won't allow you to stay on the sidelines--he is going to make you work for the greater good!")

This gives me the chills, and I am taken aback when someone intelligent endorses one of these politicians for POSITIVE reasons!

That is my point: in my view there is a complete absence of pro-freedom ideology, so I can at present only vote for NEGATIVE reasons.

I agree that in commenting on your post, I should have stated my view less combatively. I hope this second comment is more productive.(Sorry, I don't think any "homework" is required to discern the ideology of these presidential candidates)

Dubravko said...

It is not about the person who posts useless comments -- it is about the comments themselves. When someone posts a comment full of demagoguery (Wikipedia; Merriam Webster), the poster tacitly discredits him/herself, which makes the rest of the message less likely to come through, the comment unhelpful, and the whole debate pointless.